The Romo Group, is now a proud partner of GoodWeave, a non-profit organisation dedicated to ensuring no child or forced labour is used in the making of a certified product, such as our tufted rugs which are handcrafted in India. The Goodweave label is the best assurance that Villa Nova’s new hand tufted rugs are free of child, forced or bonded labour. To help combat child labour and modern slavery, a percentage of the cost of labelled rugs goes to support educational and social programmes in India and Nepal.
Each GoodWeave approved rug is labelled with a unique code that can be traced back to the licensed producer. Our licensed weavers sign a legally binding contract to produce rugs without child, forced or bonded labour and allowing unannounced inspections of their workrooms. GoodWeave fulfils its mission by bringing visibility to global supply chains; protecting informal and marginalized workers; providing assurance that certified products are free of child, forced and bonded labour and restoring childhood to vulnerable children. The GoodWeave organisation also offers educational opportunities to children in carpet weaving communities.